Review vs Discussion

What’s the difference?

Tomato, potato, right?

(Well obviously not if I’ve set up a page to discuss the difference. I’m not just some random internet-er wasting valuable web space for absolutely no reason. I have an excellent reason. It involves me working at an incredibly boring job I can do with minimal effort and a reliable internet connection.)

Anyway. There’s a difference. To me at least.

A review is when someone tries out a game, talks about some pros and cons, then slaps a score on it in an attempt to answer the age old consumer question, “To buy, or not to buy.” I don’t mean to make that sound like it’s a bad thing; on the contrary I think reviews can be really helpful when trying to make a quick decision between multiple games. I’ve only got so much time on my hands nowadays-though considerably more money than when I was a teenager-so it doesn’t make a lot of sense for me to pick up three sixty dollar games at once if it’s going to take me a couple weeks  months to get through the first one. Might as well buy one, play it through and then pick up the next one at a reduced price. (I find that this technique also leads to more sleep and less eyestrain.) I use reviews to help me prioritize and also to get a sense of the type of game I’m in the mood to devote six weeks or more to.

A discussion is more or less a post where I rant and rave about features I like, stories I love and any other metaphysical, philosophical or other -ical ending ideas that pop into my head regarding video games. They’re generally random, sometimes weird and usually applicable only to myself. You certainly don’t have to agree with me. In fact, you probably have your own random, weird and totally self-referencing ideas about the games you like, or loathe*, to play.

Keep them to yourself. Share them! Preferably with someone who loves you. They’re less likely to leave the room. Right sideseatgamer?

Hey, where are you going?

*I don’t tend to talk about the games I don’t like to play. I don’t like them, ergo I don’t like to remember having purchased them.

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